
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Christ the Passover - 1 Corinthians 5:7

There were many events from the old testaments that illustrates the coming of Christ and the plan of God's redemption of mankind from the bondage of SIN. And one of those is the Passover.

Please read 1 Corinthians 5:7 I says: Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us

That is our main verse and please take a hold and memorize it. I just wanted to say that it's just one of many verses that opens up my mind of how was "GRACE" instituted to sinners and became righteous in the very eyes of God. And helped me more zealous of sharing the Word of God to the lost and overcome those false teachers that has also zeal but not according to knowledge(the Word of God).

What is Passover?

To learn about what is Passover, let me take you to the Old Testament passages of the Holy Bible where we can fully understand everything right from there. In Exodus 12, God gave detailed instructions to Moses and Aaron about how to prepare for the Passover. It was the event that happened after Moses came to Paraoh(Egyptian King), telling him all of their FIRSTBORN will die if he(Paraoh), will not let the Israelite go out of Egypt to serve God(Exodus 7:16,Exodus 8:1,Exodus 8:20).

Paraoh hardened his heart even with those nine plagues God showed him, but the tenth and the last plague that God said to Moses was death of "ALL" the FIRSTBORN(Exodus 11) and we will see that Paraoh let the people go out of Egypt. And God started to instruct Moses and Aaron at Exodus 12 of what they will do that they might be spared of the plague that the Egyptians will take and that is the Passover.

Now, back to what God's instruction to Moses and Aaron about preparation for the Passover. God told them to choose a LAMB(a picture of Christ) without blemish(Exodus 12:5). Then the people shall kill it, take the blood and eat the flesh in the night(Exodus 12:6-11). 

Blood of the Passover Lamb

Exodus 12:21-22, were the instructions of what to do with the Blood of the Passover Lamb. It is to strike on the lintel and the two side posts of the door. 

Spared on Judgement

Those who did the Passover instruction by God who put the blood of the Passover Lamb on the lintel and two door posts will be spared on the God's judgement wherewith, God will pass over on that house and will not execute His judgement on them(Exodus 12:13).

Christ the Passover

Now you have learned that much about the Passover event from the Old covenant, we can now understand how Christ became our Passover and that God will not execute judgement to Christ's believers. Why is that?

It's because Jesus Christ was the true figure of what was happening from the Old Testament event. The lamb without blemish typifies His "Sinlesness" and was slain/killed pictures His death on the Cross and the effect of the Lamb's blood was the picture of His blood as the perfect sacrifice(Hebrews 9:22) for the atonement of our sins.

Here it is., once you received Jesus Christ in your life as your Lord and Savior and Truly and Faithfully TRUST in Him on what He did on the Cross. That He already paid the penalty of YOURS and MY SINS, and that God raised Him up on the third day(1 Corinthians 15:1-5).? Then you are spared of God's judgement because you are FREED from the bondage of SIN(John 8:34), you are freed from God's condemnation(John 3:18), your name will be written in the Book of Life(Philippians 4:3) , you will become God's son(John 1:12) and you are bound to Heaven(John 3:16)!

Are you wise enough to get and enjoy those privilege of being SAVED? If you think you are uncertain of your salvation, REPENT on your SINS and ACCEPT JESUS Christ as Lord of your LIFE(He's the master, therefore not your FLESH but His Spirit). 


Lastly, rebuking the teaching of other religious groups of their false teachings about how to earn the FREE GIFT of SALVATION. 

Jesus Christ is the only true Son of God and the redeemer of mankind from the Judgement of God and from His Eternal Punishment. Therefore., it is not of the LAW(Galatians 2:16), it is NOT of Self-righteousness(Isaiah 64:6), NOT of Works(Ephesians 2:8-9), NOT of Mary(Luke 1:47), NOT of Praying for the Dead(Hebrews 9:27), NOT of Church Membership(Acts 4:12, John 14:6), NOT of WATER BAPTISM!

Don't let SATAN bind you on your false beliefs, come to the Knowledge of Truth for the Truth will set your FREE(John 8:32). Be with the Church that HONORS the WORD of God(not the Book of Mormons or the Pasugo of INC or the Man Made Traditions - as Catholics do, or following the SABBATH keeping as 7th Day Adventists teaches!). Be with the Church that TEACHES the SOUND Doctrine, NOT those teaching that just tickles your ears but those that pricks and convicts your hearts to come to God and follow His Words! A Church that can MOLD you to STAND for your FAITH in Jesus Christ according to the Word of God(not of the words of men).

I Pray for you(if you're unsaved), that God may open up your mind and hearts and that God will put you an eagerness to seek for the TRUTH, not of JUST what you had been taught to live for(Kung asa akong namathan nga Kahayag., mao na sab ni akong pakamatyan.?, Well, does that help you earn Salvation? if NOT then come to the TRUTH).

1 comment:

  1. To GOD BE THE GLORY!for all the things He hath done...Thank you Cling, for sharing this one up. I am reminded again to really hold on to the TRUTH!

    Let God be glorified forever!
