
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

In Service of God - Thank You for Guidance Even in Little Things!

Just few things I remember that happened today:

I bought an item from the store and asked God for guidance if it would be of wise decision to buy it. I bought it and suddenly after my test of the product I bought, it wasn't working right! So thank to God that He answered my prayer and giving me wise decision for the day. I returned the item and got my money back. And the money that I got was used for our home need(specifically, FUEL of our Gas Range).

We also got a well doin' study at our Bible School at evening from 6pm to 8pm, studying the Errors of New Evangelical Churches and The Doctrine of Sin.

We then give a funeral service for one of our brother in church Tupaz family for the death of his Father Ismael(8pm to 9pm) and I thank God for a good service that we give for them. Our Pastor preached and reproved those who believed and teaches the Purgatory(it wasn't and will never exists)! I pray continually that  those words that was sown by our Pastor to them will grow and that they(those who hears) repent and receive Jesus Christ in their lives and be saved.

I also distributed a Gospel Tracts to those who were outside and I guess who wasn't heard much of the message that our Pastor had preached. I prayed for them to, that they might read it and God will give them understanding of His Words most specifically of how to earn SALVATION while we are yet LIVING in this World.

May God add more Faithful men in the Church to do the Work for him. God bless to all who are in Christ's and Grace and Mercy of God to those who are unsaved.

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