
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Man Made Traditions or God's Will?

In this post, I'm gonna share some thoughts from my Bible Reading in the book of Mark. While writing this post, I am now at the book of Mark 7. I know that God wanted us to follow his will and yet, we humans have our own free will which we tend to follow than what God wants us to obey. There were yet many things to learn!

I was a Catholic before and I believed in myself I was a good man, I am following what the church and high religious leaders told me to be doing but not everything 'coz it seems some of them doesn't gives me interests or  I can't regard that is of any high value. I was taught to pray to Mary(the mother of Jesus), I was taught to go to priest to confess my sins, I was taught to go to church every Sunday and a lot of religious teachings.

The question now, were all of those things do have any value to God? The answer would be, God knows the hearts of humanity not the outward capabilities.

For those long years, I go to church just often, I joined some prayer to Mary sessions on houses, but I never  had the discernment of what was those things for. Why I was doing them? When I look backed at it., I see the whole picture... people do them because they/we want to EARN SALVATION. We wanted to go to heaven and we never wanted to be thrown to hell!

Now, it seems to be of good intent(longing for salvation from God), but what was wrong is that...most people do a thing that they don't understand why they are doing them(as I was). They just follow "GOOD" people(as they see) whatever it says and want them to do(in short, in respect of).

People have their own moral and good works, but it will never change the fact, that man's work, can never reach the Glory of God because of SIN(Romans 3:23, Isaiah 64:6).

Just wanna share a short STORY...

It was Sunday noon after our Sunday Divine service of the church(before the DVBS week), I and my wife went to her parents'(my parent-in-laws) home place called Brgy. Salvacion. We've been there asking permissions to parents to let their children join our DVBS.

Unexpectedly, while I was talking of one parent discussing about "religion" and asked her about Salvation, she responded that none of this world can sure of their Salvation. I understand what she was talking about and I knew she's just one of millions of people who was blinded by SATAN believing that their good works can save them from the wrath of God. I was once was like her., blinded and was just taking for granted the things about spirituality.

In the mid's of our discussion, I rebuke her with her belief and tried to tell her about "Praying to Mary" belief. And she aroused and kindah raised her voice showing me that she's offended of what I said. She answered, it's because we are TAUGHT different things of our RELIGIOUS LEADERS.."THAT's What You BELIEVE and This is WHAT WE DO". And I replied! yeah you're right., but what the Holy Bible says, in 1 Corinthians 4:6, that we should never make man above than that of what was written(Holy Bible).

Indeed, I firmly believe, Praying to Mary was established by MAN and never been commanded by God to do so! I don't mean to neglect her blessedness, I honor her and love her as the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ. But I will NEVER put it in myself of praying unto her because I am making her equally with God who saves her(Luke 1:47).

Jesus is our mediator and we don't need to Pray to Mary to reach Jesus. We are invited by God to believe in Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross.,NOT on putting ourselves and belief on the other things.

Even Paul in his Epistles had humbled himself and asked the Jews and Gentiles that were converts to never exalt him or make of glory on him more than God, that everything he has is of God.

The Angels in the Book of Revelation had rebuke John of bowing to the Angle because they were in the same level(servant of God).

That is why there are many people who were deceived in this world believing on things that aren't written in the scriptures because he/she himself never had the heart of accepting Christ Jesus as their Lord and Savior and labeling the WORD of God equally or MORE than their TRADITIONS.

I ask you! Don't hold on to your TRADITIONS., always refer to the Word of God. If you are now holding your tradition equally with the Word of God as most Catholics do(as I was), repent and come to the TRUTH. John 8:32

Lastly, just wanted to share again a passage in the Scriptures about the TRADITIONS of MEN and how it neglects' God's righteousness. Please read: Mark 7:7-9. Hope that helps you open up your mind to the TRUTH, please read the Scriptures(Holy Bible), because there is the TRUTH and ALL TRUTH., not in MAN's. Don't believe in me, believe in the Word of God!

To all the Glory and Honor to our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.

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