
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Saved by Grace - Not of Works! - Ephesians 2:8-9

Today, I am determined to share this to all the readers of this blog and that God may open up your mind and hearts that Salvation or going to Heaven can be attained while we are yet ALIVE(not dead and not by Prayer of the Dead!).

I added this post in support of what I have written the other day about TRUE SAVING FAITH post(make sure to read it!).If you read in Ephesians 2:8-9, Apostle Paul clearly shows us that it's by the Grace of God through "FAITH"(alone) and not of OURSELVES and WORKS.

Let me clear this that we can NEVER earn SALVATION by Works. What do I mean of Works? Let me list them for you:

  • Holy Communion
  • Baptism
  • Church Membership
  • Church Attendance
  • Being a GOOD neighborhood
  • Charity Giving
  • Trying to keep the TEN Commandments
  • Prayer Meeting Attendance
Now it's now clear to you what good works I'm referring to! Let me then clear it, that we can never earn salvation through those things. To let us understand it better, let's read the scripture and understand it with our hearts desire.

The "GRACE" mentioned in Ephesians 2:8, means it is a GIFT. Meaning, it is freely given and not given for us to WORK for it to pay('coz it's been paid), if so to work for it then it's NOT a gift anymore. 

And in Romans 11:6 clearly speaks unto us that if Salvation is of works or by the law then it's not a GRACE anymore! You may asked, why works prevented to be part of possessing God's Salvation? Here's your answer: Romans 3:27

And it would never be FAITH plus WORKS because if say so, then we are claiming, that we will have TWO SAVIORS. One is Jesus Christ and the other one is SINNER(ourselves). Or either if it's of WORKS, then Christ's death is in VAIN(Galatians 2:21).

Now then let's proceed to the 10th verse. Ephesians 2:10., the answer about GOOD WORKS is that., He SAVED US(if you are SAVED by GRACE through FAITH in Christ) for Good Works. It's not that we have to Work to earn Salvation but it is of FAITH then to perform those good works He laid out for us!

The layout of our Salvation then means this:

FAITH - Salvation - Good Works - Reward

Everyone of us, God already gave blueprint for the good works that we have to perform and that means, we have to diligently seek for it and perform it for God's glory and the reward is for us! 

Few things we must do for our FAITH to grow and to find those good works we must perform is to Confess and REPENT(FORSAKE it!)our Sins once we are aware of them in our lives, read the Bible daily to know His will, ask of God in prayer those things He ought you to perform, grab the opportunities for God's service

This is now the whole concept of what James want to show us in James 2:14-26. That TRUE SAVING FAITH performs the will of God into good works!

I thank God of opening my EYES into this deep understanding of His GRACE, that I am saved by GRACE and NOT/NEVER of MY WORKS. God will open up your EYES into understanding if you yield near unto Him and ask Him for it. 

God bless.


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