
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Saved by Grace - Not of Works! - Ephesians 2:8-9

Today, I am determined to share this to all the readers of this blog and that God may open up your mind and hearts that Salvation or going to Heaven can be attained while we are yet ALIVE(not dead and not by Prayer of the Dead!).

I added this post in support of what I have written the other day about TRUE SAVING FAITH post(make sure to read it!).If you read in Ephesians 2:8-9, Apostle Paul clearly shows us that it's by the Grace of God through "FAITH"(alone) and not of OURSELVES and WORKS.

Let me clear this that we can NEVER earn SALVATION by Works. What do I mean of Works? Let me list them for you:

  • Holy Communion
  • Baptism
  • Church Membership
  • Church Attendance
  • Being a GOOD neighborhood
  • Charity Giving
  • Trying to keep the TEN Commandments
  • Prayer Meeting Attendance
Now it's now clear to you what good works I'm referring to! Let me then clear it, that we can never earn salvation through those things. To let us understand it better, let's read the scripture and understand it with our hearts desire.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

In Service of God - Thank You for Guidance Even in Little Things!

Just few things I remember that happened today:

I bought an item from the store and asked God for guidance if it would be of wise decision to buy it. I bought it and suddenly after my test of the product I bought, it wasn't working right! So thank to God that He answered my prayer and giving me wise decision for the day. I returned the item and got my money back. And the money that I got was used for our home need(specifically, FUEL of our Gas Range).

We also got a well doin' study at our Bible School at evening from 6pm to 8pm, studying the Errors of New Evangelical Churches and The Doctrine of Sin.

We then give a funeral service for one of our brother in church Tupaz family for the death of his Father Ismael(8pm to 9pm) and I thank God for a good service that we give for them. Our Pastor preached and reproved those who believed and teaches the Purgatory(it wasn't and will never exists)! I pray continually that  those words that was sown by our Pastor to them will grow and that they(those who hears) repent and receive Jesus Christ in their lives and be saved.

I also distributed a Gospel Tracts to those who were outside and I guess who wasn't heard much of the message that our Pastor had preached. I prayed for them to, that they might read it and God will give them understanding of His Words most specifically of how to earn SALVATION while we are yet LIVING in this World.

May God add more Faithful men in the Church to do the Work for him. God bless to all who are in Christ's and Grace and Mercy of God to those who are unsaved.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A TRUE Saving FAITH - James 2:14 - 26

If you have read my previous post,  I talk about Jesus Christ as our Passover, I talk there how we are Justified(made righteous by God) because of our faith in Him. Now, we will talk more about FAITH here., so hope you will learn a lot from this!

Start of the Story

As I drove going to Brgy. Salvacion to fetch few teens and children(my wife's relatives) this morning using my motorcycle(10km away), I was thinking what will be our Pastor's message for this day. What again will I learn that can help me grow more on the Faith in Jesus Christ and stand for it. I already learned a lot of things from the Word of God and I'm sharing it to my loveones and I have eagerness to speak., but I still have a much desire to learn more to help me stand for it and defend it! And just this morning, our Pastor adds it the more! And I know there were still many things I need to learn in this life.

I am so blessed with the message that our Pastor had preached, and what I knew is that, I now understands  of what kind of Faith that I have. It is TRUE in the Bible that FAITH in Christ Jesus on what He has done on the Cross is the Way of Salvation, but the question is, is that the kind of FAITH can SAVE YOU?

At the end of this post, you should learn these things:
  1. Salvation IS NOT by Faith PLUS Works(synergy).
  2. 3 Different Kinds of Faith
  3. Salvation is by Faith(a TRUE SAVING FAITH) that RESULTS(FRUITS) Proper Works(the Works mentioned here can't save but are the fruit of Faith.)
  4. Conclusion of TRUE SAVING FAITH.
Please ask God's help for you to understand these things and don't push yourself by trusting your natural wisdom(1 Corinthians 2:14)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Christ the Passover - 1 Corinthians 5:7

There were many events from the old testaments that illustrates the coming of Christ and the plan of God's redemption of mankind from the bondage of SIN. And one of those is the Passover.

Please read 1 Corinthians 5:7 I says: Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us

That is our main verse and please take a hold and memorize it. I just wanted to say that it's just one of many verses that opens up my mind of how was "GRACE" instituted to sinners and became righteous in the very eyes of God. And helped me more zealous of sharing the Word of God to the lost and overcome those false teachers that has also zeal but not according to knowledge(the Word of God).

What is Passover?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Man Made Traditions or God's Will?

In this post, I'm gonna share some thoughts from my Bible Reading in the book of Mark. While writing this post, I am now at the book of Mark 7. I know that God wanted us to follow his will and yet, we humans have our own free will which we tend to follow than what God wants us to obey. There were yet many things to learn!

I was a Catholic before and I believed in myself I was a good man, I am following what the church and high religious leaders told me to be doing but not everything 'coz it seems some of them doesn't gives me interests or  I can't regard that is of any high value. I was taught to pray to Mary(the mother of Jesus), I was taught to go to priest to confess my sins, I was taught to go to church every Sunday and a lot of religious teachings.

The question now, were all of those things do have any value to God? The answer would be, God knows the hearts of humanity not the outward capabilities.