
Monday, April 30, 2012

DVBS Day 1 - Day 5

Again, as I have mentioned earlier talking about DVBS ministry for the church, it was so full of fun and learning together with the children. Though it may seems a daunting tasks since children got their own different attitudes from their homes, we do share them the Word of God and point the things they do when it's not right and correct them.

We did discipline the children and we have taught them many things.

I know they have learnt a lot from the Word of God we have shared to them and that they were trained how to pray, how to read their Bible(we bought Bible's for few of them who do not own), going to attend Sunday Worship, and Bible Stories of Adam & Eve, Moses, David and his sling, the Boy and hi Launch and the Nail Prints of Jesus Christ.

Monday, April 16, 2012

DVBS - Daily Vacation Bible School

Today is the first day of our DVBS in our church. One of the ministries I was involved with. I'll be putting up some pictures when I am back home today.

Our theme is "What is in your hands"? Pertaining to what we've got or talent we have had that we could use for the service of the Lord.

The first day lesson talks about Moses and his Rod, since God used mightily Moses and his rod upon performing miracles and showing "Pharaoh" the power of the TRUE GOD.

Monday, April 9, 2012

What I Was - Part #3

If you have read the 1st Part and 2nd Part of these post series of What I Was, then probably you have learned  what this all about.

So in this third part of the series, I will talk about "PRAYER". What is it? How it's being treated in our lives and how should we live by it as Christians.

Since I was converted, I knew and can see the changes in my life. I now have a prayerful life more than that I was before. Prayer is now a daily routine of my life(not just when I remember to do it). The fact is that., most of people don't tend to spend time in prayer because it's just a waste of time! It's better for them to "WORK" "WORK" "WORK"!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

What I Was - Part #2

So here we go again!

Continuing the quest of my "What I Was" post series. If you haven't read my previous "What I was - Part #1, then you can do so here.

Do you believe that good works can save you? Now asked yourself then, how many good works have you ever done? Do you think now that they are enough for you to inherit the Kingdom of God? 

If so, it's not.. our good works can never save us because of our sinfulness. We can never offer enough good things or good works to God but our sinfulness. Aren't you worried why are you still uncertain of your answer that if you die, where would your soul will end up to(Heaven or Hell)?