
Sunday, April 8, 2012

What I Was - Part #2

So here we go again!

Continuing the quest of my "What I Was" post series. If you haven't read my previous "What I was - Part #1, then you can do so here.

Do you believe that good works can save you? Now asked yourself then, how many good works have you ever done? Do you think now that they are enough for you to inherit the Kingdom of God? 

If so, it's not.. our good works can never save us because of our sinfulness. We can never offer enough good things or good works to God but our sinfulness. Aren't you worried why are you still uncertain of your answer that if you die, where would your soul will end up to(Heaven or Hell)?

First, before you proceed, let me tell you that., good works isn't the "THE WRONG" thing, because as Christians., "TRUE Believers(proper faith) of Christs" were having their "Good Works" produced properly and rightly so. It was merely means "Proper Faith" produced "Proper Works". It's not that "Works" produce "Salvation".

It was not of our Good Works that we are going to be SAVED, but by our FAITH in Jesus Christ of what He had done at the Cross of Calvary paying your Sins and mine in FULL. 

"But God's Grace can change our Sinfulness into being a Bless-fullness."
We can be a blessing to others, it may not be in material things but with Spiritual things.

So here's my second Wrong Belief that was mistakenly taught by others who believed good works can save and helps in Salvation.

Wrong Belief #2: I was taught "Good Works" can Save ME.

Couple of years ago... I live my life as a Catholic, following what my parent says, what they usually do, going to church, attending mass in school, praying to Mary(the Mother of Jesus Christ), listening to religion classes and everything what I feel good and I think pleasant for God. But am I really doing those things pleasant to God or for myself or just following what my parent says?

And from those moments.., I believe all of those things were "GOOD".. and that may count it as righteousness in me for me to be SAVED and might go to heaven when I die.

Just when satan works his works in this world to deceived people to do the things that "drag" us away from what Jesus Christ did at the cross for me and for you, it is then people think it was good and right! It was good for me that following what my parents says and command me to do as what the scripture says in Ephesians 6:1 because it was written in the Scriptures. 

Again, there's no wrong about "Good Works" but then again, it cannot HELP "SAVED" us away from God's "Judgement" for whatever we do, when are "NOT" of Christ, we are just as filthy rags.(Isaiah 64:6). 


Now, if GOOD WORKS can't SAVED us, then How can we go to heaven, is it of Baptism of going to church every sunday, is it the Prayers of our Loveones for us? Let me then asked you back the question... "How many Good Works" have you ever done? "How LONG" will you consistently do it? How many Sundays have you gone to the Church? How many prayers have you been tried to do for your loveones that had passed away?

And now, how sure you are of your salvation? How was then the certainty that your LOVEONE that passed away was or is now in HEAVEN because of your prayers? Are you now certain that you are bound to heaven because of those things? "THE ANSWER IS "NO!". 


Still your answer was uncertainty right? But what did Apostle Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 4:13 - be "NOT" ignorant and that means "SALVATION" should be CERTAIN among us that we must know if we are BOUND to HEAVEN when we DIE(1 John 5:13).. not into UNCERTAINTY. It's not our FEELINGS and THOUGHTS that GUIDES us to HEAVEN(Proverbs 14:12). But it's His Words(the Bible) through the Holy Spirit, will guide us in all TRUTH(John 16:13) and that we will know the WAY of SALVATION...(John 5:39) in CERTAINTY!

If you read in "Proverbs 14:12", there are things that we think was right but in just leads us to "HELL". 


It is the FINISHED WORK of the LORD Jesus Christ. If we fully have "FAITH" in HIM of what is meant to be in Him, what HE Did at the CROSS of Calvary to Pay the PENALTY of our SINS, that He was buried 3 Days and 3 Nights in the GRAVE and that HE ROSE again the 3rd DAY then we can be JUSTIFIED by God the FATHER and will be CLEAN and INNOCENT of SINS in His EYES and we are DECLARED righteous by GOD.

Please make this CLEAR ENOUGH in YOUR MIND that when we BELIEVE and FULL Faith in Jesus Christ then you need to know this.

Jesus bore all of our SINS(HE did it on the Cross) - 2 Corinthians 5:21 and that we are JUSTIFIED Righteous by God because of Him(JESUS CHRIST). Again, it is not just we are CLEANSED in all our SINS, it is ALSO we are made RIGHTEOUS!

It is then the time you will realize that all of the things you do wasn't worth enough to pay for your sins. It was what Jesus Christ did for you and for me. It is the ONLY ACCEPTABLE SACRIFICE that God given for mankind to atone in his sins.

If you haven't known Jesus Christ in your life and you are yet UNCERTAIN of where you are bound when you DIE, then you have to ACCEPT Jesus Christ as LORD of Your LIFE and your PERSONAL Savior "NOW". Take time to read the post of how to accept Jesus Christ.

And that's just all for this Part two of What I Was post. Have a great day and God can bless you!

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